Association of Burns and Reconstructive Anaesthetists


Russell Davies & Stuart Laird Prize

A prize of £ 250 is offered for a paper submitted by a Trainee to the Association of Burns & Reconstructive Anaesthetists, connected with both anaesthesia and plastic surgery or burns. The prize is sponsored by Abbott Laboratories Ltd.

To qualify, the presenter must submit an abstract to the Hon Secretary of the ABRA by 31st of August each year. The abstract should be less than 250 words, double-spaced on A4 size paper. Abstracts should preferably be e-mailed. Alternatively two hard copies should be submitted. The paper may then be prepared for a verbal presentation lasting no more than 15 minutes (10-minute presentation and 5 minutes questions/discussion) at the ABRA annualmeeting. After the presentation, authors are free to publish their work in any journal of their choice.

The presenter will be expected to have played a major part in any study, clinical or experimental, reported, but participation by others is not prohibited. Credit is given for originality, style and care in presentation, and personal conduct of the study.

Download the flyer here (Word doc).

Abstracts to be submitted to the Honary Secretary.


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